What Homeschooling Is Like:
See How To Give Your Child The Childhood They Deserve

If you're wondering what homeschooling is like, I've asked members of my Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group to give you a glimpse into their days.

You'll also see tips on how to make a home school schedule (and whether you need one!) lower down the page.

What homeschooling is like

“I love to know what everyone else is doing I find it so inspiring.”

~ Lorraine, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

If you're thinking of starting home schooling you may well be wondering what you are letting yourself in for!

So I picked out these quotes from the 1,000+ members of my Courageous Homeschooling support group to give you a snapshot inside people's homeschool.

This page will give you an insight into how different (and exciting!) your life can become once you have taken your child out of school.

And, although there is no such thing as a 'typical' homeschool day, you'll soon see that the beauty of teaching your child at home is that you can tailor each day to what your child is interested in - which helps make learning fun.

What you'll see is that there is no one way to homeschool and everyone finds the method that suits their child best.

My homeschool son William is now at Oxford University and our homeschool days have changed quite a lot. 

You can see a glimpse into our 'classroom' lower down the page - expect to be surprised!

These answers to what homeschooling is like come from all over the world and prove that wherever you live, we are all doing our very best to give our children the childhood they deserve.

What Do Homeschoolers Do All Day?

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“Spellings, math, English, science and Latin are on the menu for today. Worst Witch later, chess and reading tonight.  Have a good day everyone.” ~ Sheila

“Morning everyone.   Spending the day doing whatever comes along today.  Currently apple picker hunting.  Hope everyone has a lovely day.” ~ Catherine

“Good morning...We are busy bees today....We have already been to the shops and back for homeschool supplies....We have cleaned the downstairs toilet and fixed the toilet roll holder back on the wall, a little DIY...We stopped for a drink then my daughter started her math lesson and my other daughter and I cut up chicken for the slow cooker for tonight's tea...Then off to a farm visit with some homeschooling friends...Then we must pop into town to pick up a Nintendo Pokémon  game. It arrived yesterday but we were too busy.  At some stage I must have a sit down.  Have a great day everyone.” ~ Susanne

“Nice to have a glimpse into your homeschool day.  Made me happy reading it.   Love days like that.” ~ Sarah xx

“Another wonderful plus to homeschooling!  My daughter is busy writing up her values/virtues list for philosophy.  How many schools teach philosophy to seven-year-olds?  My mother-in-law is blown away by the deep, meaningful conversations she can have already.   I'm one happy Mommy!” ~ Alison

The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook

This extract on what homeschooling is like is taken from my Courageous Homeschooling Handbook.

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"We are starting work on a project to design a home for the future incorporating all forms of renewable energy and other ideas that may limit the damage to the environment and harness natural energy and resources.” ~ Samantha

“I'm a bit bug eyed and have some brain fog going on; my daughter has been restless all night.  She's already up playing with the kitten.  Will be doing math, spelling and reading today.  As of right now to the coffee pot I go.” ~ Stacey

“My son is still on Minecraft - he's researched a tutorial and has successfully made something called a hopper!  He's been practicing his typing skills by sending friend requests and I showed him how to make a cup of tea which then led to a mini conversation about tea fields in India and of course a rich tea dunking cookie challenge!” ~ Lorraine

“My daughter is doing a bit of grammar and Oceanography before we head to Fisherman's Village for some shopping and lunch with Daddy. My son is doing his usual unschool thing on his iPad.  Have a great day everyone!” ~ Lisa

“We looked at hummingbird videos; they're so beautiful and it was wonderful to see them being hand fed.  Then we looked at a video by the Daily Woo(!), about Walt Disney's Dreaming Tree and the barn in which he put on shows as a boy, all interesting stuff and you feel you've seen it in person.  Have a good day, everyone.” ~ Janet xx

homeschool numbers increasing

How To Make A Home School Schedule

Before we carry on peeking into other people's days to see what homeschool really looks like, I thought you might like some help on how to organize your day so it works best for you.

  • My top tips on organizing a home school schedule (and whether you need one at all!).
  • If you'd like some help thinking about what you might do, there is a free planner and lots of tips here.
  • Find answers and ideas for one of the most difficult juggling acts your homeschool day throws at you: teaching children of different ages.
  • If you want to know the key to a successful homeschool, find out   how to motivate your children in my highly recommended book here.

What Homeschooling Is Like

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“My daughter had her first theater performance Friday night.  It went very well!  My two little ones now want to be in theater.   The theme was The Man Behind The Mask.  The children studied what it takes to become a character while wearing makeup or masks.  Today we are running errands and preparing for Thanksgiving.  We'll do a craft and bake.   Have a lovely day!” ~ Danielle

“It's turned out to be a nice day if somewhat windy so skipping the formal sit down lessons and going outside to enjoy the sunshine.” ~ Kaitlin

“My daughter has a piano lesson this morning and in between she will be doing her normal routine of spellings, reading, math problems and French homework this afternoon followed by some Lego time.  This evening she has her tap dancing lesson with her sister.  My son is working on math and English this morning - finishing off French homework and then baking this afternoon.  Tonight is drama rehearsals for their October show Oliver and Saturday is packed with singing lessons, ballet and musical theater.  Have a great weekend everyone.” ~ Anni x

“We are doing great! We have been traveling in Italy, Switzerland and next is France, Spain and Portugal.   We had a nice day today visiting more churches and castles.” ~ Monica

“We are waiting for our math and English tutor to arrive to cover any areas the girls need help.  Later friends are coming over for lunch and social.   We made macaroni cheese, we have pizza, salad and garlic bread.   Looks like a fabulous day in the making.” ~ Susanne

US Department for Education statistics

And when you are thinking what homeschooling is like,  the US Government Department for Education gives the reasons so many of us think teaching our child at home is the best decision you can make.

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“Morning everyone. Hope you're all having good days so far. We have been doing arts and crafts this morning and the girls are currently in the middle of their kickboxing lesson.  After a spot of lunch we will be having an afternoon of science and baking.” ~ Samie

“At 9am my eldest (six-years-old) grabbed an empty box and decided to make a TV out of it.  She crawled in and started reading a news broadcast.  It was hilarious.  Soon after her little sisters made TVs too. Weather reports, TV shows, thrillers, My Little Pony news - I've had it all!  They even wrote an episode of Poldark for me!  And made remote controls and wrote out TV guides.... Six hours later and they're still being creative with these boxes.  I did have a space session planned for today but I chose to get out of their way.  If my daughter went to school she certainly wouldn't have been afforded the time and space to come up with the idea, never mind see it through.  What a fantastic day of bonding and creativity for them.  Feeling very positive today about the choice we have made.” ~ Penny

“I think we are going to head down to the craggy cliffs and read a chapter of Smugglers Cove with a hot chocolate. I've cancelled the usual 'quick rush to homeschool gymnastics' after deciding I need to do things that I like too!!” ~ Sarah

"This morning bird watching down the park.  Afraid to say they got carried away in the park and we forgot the bird watching!  Came home and looked up bird nests on the computer.  Watched a cartoon about bird nests.  Drew a bird and nest on the blackboard.  Next task buy some food for the birds tonight as they will be cold.   P.S. Sang The North Wind Shall Blow for the first time in years.” ~ Vicki

“Our family has started a new homeschool adventure.  We just bought a 5th wheel and we are going to be traveling around the US and learning as we go.  My son is profoundly deaf and very hands-on, so right now we are in the desert.  We are learning about the land, and animal tracks today, while playing in the sand.” ~ Sonia

“Goooood morning - and it's a really beautiful day here!  Today we are hitting the books this morning; math, handwriting and computer science, then a science experiment.  Then we are visiting the grandparents and going horse riding - hopefully out in the sunshine...." ~ Becky

What Homeschooling Is Like...For Me!

I thought you might enjoy a peek inside our homeschool classroom:

"Home Schooling... ? Here is a woman who can gently and profoundly inspire." ~ Lana

N.B. This video has 3.2 thousand Facebook views, reaching 8,359 people

"Great video. Thanks for sharing." ~ Sheila x

"Fantastic!" ~ Jo

"I love this!!! Thanks for keeping it real!! ~ Katherine

And you can see our homeschool daily schedule here.

So What Can You Learn About Homeschooling?

This glimpse into what homeschooling is like proves one thing - your homeschool won't look like anyone else's!

I love the way Becky puts her finger on what is most important:

"We all have different ideas on what we want our homeschool to look like, but if we all just take it easy and remember there is learning in everything our children do I am sure we will all be doing great!”

~ Becky, Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

  • Don't forget you're not alone!  If you want to really find out what homeschooling is like, come and join the Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group where no one judges anyone else and we all support each other.
Courageous Homeschooling Facebook support group

Homeschooling: How To Get Started

The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook will help overcome your fears by answering the questions that keep us all awake:

  • Can I cope? 
  • Will my child miss out by not going to school? 
  • What about friends?

You will find the answers to these cries from the heart from real-life Moms inside the Courageous Homeschooling Handbook. 

You will be inspired to read the reassuring answers which prove that we've all been there, we know exactly what you mean - but actually it's all going to work out just fine.

The Courageous Homeschooling Handbook

All of us who have shared what homeschooling is like will say that teaching our children at home is the most fulfilling thing we've ever done.

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"With the education system failing so many brilliant children it's great to be able to have resources like your website for inspiration, ideas and just a sense of belonging. What you are doing for your children is priceless." ~ Natalija

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Please, please, please keep it up, people like you make our home school life so much easier." ~ Kelly

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